Digital Solutions that actually work Recommendations that fit your budget

Let's Implement a Digital Solution based on your business process

If you have done something a certain way for ages, why must tech make you change your process?

Managed IT & Maintenance Services

Consultation you can Depend on

Your Trusted CDAP Digital Tech Advisor. We focus on building a relationship. We love sharing and use data to make good decisions.

Trevino Consulting

20 years of Technical Competency & Experience

You get all our knowledge and Experience, when you work with us. We have project management skills that work with your business, reducing disruptive implementations. We are constantly learning and keeping abreast of new ways to help you.

Cloud Based Solutions that bring your team together

There are so many Managed IT services we offer you. 

We realize each company is different and has different needs. 

Windows Server Management

Microsoft 365 Management

Email Sharepoint migrations

Network monitoring

User Access Management

Sharepoint Cloud Collaboration

Network Firewall, Switches

Asset Management

Antivirus, Malware & Phishing

IT Projects Based on 3 Philosophies

Heart & Soul

We take the time to understand how your business works. What your needs are. How else can we propose and implement a successful project, where you see results?

Truth & Money

If you don't need to spend money, we won't take it from you. It's about honesty, people, and lasting relationships. When you do need to spend, we help you make the best of your dollar.

Speed & Opportunity

Through our 25 years of experience rolling out technology projects, we know how important time is to a business. We have a system to simplify, and speed up the implementation process, while managing change impact on your current processes.

We are a Technology Service Provider based in Abbotsford BC in the Fraser Valley. Alewigi Digital is a Certified CDAP IT Advisor

IT Support Services Area





Copyright 2024 – Alewigi Digital –  Abbotsford, BC